National Training of Trainers on Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign Phase 2
As per DG FDI direction, a Virtual National ToT on Pediatric COVID-19 vaccination campaign Phase 2 was held on January 19, 2023.
Dr. Muhammad Ahmad Kazi, DG – FDI The Expanded Programme on Immunization – Pakistan chaired the National Training of Trainers (TOT) on Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign Phase 2 planned in near future. Participants from all relevant provinces/areas, USAID Pakistan/JSI, World Health Organization- Pakistan, UNICEF Pakistan, Pakistan Polio Eradication Initiative and other stakeholders participated virtually and in-person to discuss the strategy and implementation plan.
Participants from every province attended the said training virtually, the same training will be carried out soon at provincial level and cascade training for district and sub district level.